with Jim and Gayle
June, 2024
Jim's been very busy again this month.
He replaced the broken tail light on our travel trailer. He then
decided to replace all of the outside lights on the trailer with LED

Next, he waxed the entire trailer.

The hull of the boat and the motors haven't been waxed in over 30
years. Jim decide it was time. The boat looks brand new.

I've seen a lot of videos about laundry stripping. The socks I
wear playing pickleball have turned greyish and are stiff. I
tried the laundry stripping. Didn't do a thing for them.

One day I heard Bo outside barking in a different tone. He was
barking at and charging
something in the ornamental grass by the deck. When I snatched
him up, I saw the tail of a snake. Unfortunately, in biting at
it, Bo had killed it. A couple of days later, there was an even
bigger racer snake curled up at the foot of the deck. I caught Bo
before he could do any damage. The snake disappeared under the
deck. We've seen 4 snakes in our yard this spring.

My garden is growing.

I decided that I wanted curbing along the back propery line and the
west side of the
backyard. This is the before picture.

Extruding the concrete curbing.

This is the after picture. We're really pleased with the new
curbing. Next month we'll finish the cleanup and will put river
rock in the section along the wall.

Our La Quinta house solar panels have gone
offline. We can't diagnose what the problem is remotely so they
will stay off line until we return in November. It's too bad as
they were helping reduce our power bill. The temperatures are
consistently in the 100s now so the air conditioner is running a lot.

Jim and Bo.