with Jim and Gayle
October, 2024
We had a fun fishing season this year. It was especially
rewarding given the uncertainty as to whether we'd even be able to fish
this year. We fished 22 times and caught 30 salmon. We only
had 3 days where we didn't catch an adult salmon. Of the fish we
caught, we kept 11, giving away 6 of those. We did catch and
release with the other salmon that we caught.
Jim releasing a salmon (you're not supposed to remove them from the
water if you're releasing them).

The weather was really nice this season. We only missed fishing a
couple of times due to weather.

My garden was a success this year. We enjoyed the bounty of fresh
vegetables. I made a tasty carrot soup with the carrots from my
garden. Next year I'll plant more carrots.

Towards the end of October, it was time to head south for the
winter. The two day trip was a rough driving marathon but we
successfully made the trip without pulling the trailer. There was
snow in the foothills all around us as we made our way over the higher

Our La Quinta winter getaway.

One of my winter projects is to remove the stumps from cutting down
the three trees in the front yard. I will, for sure, dig up the
middle stump as I want to plant another tree in that location. I
might just heap rocks on top of the two other stumps. It depends
on how hard it is to remove the middle stump.

Bo had a seizure this month.
Bo loves to watch out the front window but his vantage point in the La
Quinta house is precarious as he has to jump up onto the back of a
slick couch. He doesn't feel very secure up there as he quite
often slides off.