with Jim and Gayle
November, 2024
When we came back to the house this winter,
we discovered a termite exploratory mud tube hanging from the kitchen
ceiling.The termite company that did the inspection
and remediation for termites before we bought the house stood by their
one-year warranty and again treated the area for termites
They were very professional and knowledgeable.

I dug up the three stumps from the sweet acacia trees that we cut down
last year.

I replaced the front stump (tree) and back stump with red yucca
transplanted from another place in the yard. I wanted the middle
spot to be a mulga acacia tree to match the one on the other side of
the yard. After getting quotes of over $500 for one, I decided to
plant an ocotillo cactus to match the one on the other side of the
yard. It is hard to tell if it is alive as ocotillo look like
dead sticks most of the time.

The big project for this year is building a large storage shed at the
back of the lot. Last season I removed a tree that was in the way
and this season I removed two shrubs and dug out the sprinkler
lines. Jim rerouted the sprinkler lines that would have been
under the shed. He then ran utilities (electrical conduit, water,
and sewer) to the back of the lot. We are now waiting for the
concrete pad to be poured the first week of December.

We have tried, repeatedly, with no success, to find someone to patch
the holes in the micro-concrete flooring by the front door and behind
the couch. I decided to try to color match the paint and then
epoxy over the holes. I didn't have the patience to put down and
remove multiple attempts so Jim has taken over. He is making
progress. These are the two areas by the front door that he's
working on.

We went to the dressage horse competition one day. Although the
horses were pretty to watch, the competition nuances were much too
complicated to follow. We preferred the jumping where it was
clear whether a horse had done well.

Our solar panels weren't producing as much energy as they had been so
we had them washed. They were really dirty!

Friends Mike and Libby invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner.

Bo helping Jim (reason he gets a bath every