Living on the Road

with Jim and Gayle

March, 2020


How that word has changed everybody's life.
It's grim, right now, with more and more cases and more and more deaths.

I flew to Denver to see my sister and mother and to see a knee specialist.  When I landed in Denver, it became clear that the situation was quickly getting serious.  I was able to visit with my sister and her husband Michael for a day but was only able to see my mom for about an hour.  As conditions worsened, Jim called to say he wanted me home.  So after only one real day, I flew home.  I was glad to be back I didn't want to be stuck away from my "pack".
Lynne, Michael, Gatsby

Arriving home, I went to the grocery store to stock up (my pantry was depleted because I'd been sick for much of the past month).  This is what I faced:
Bare shelves

I simply stood in the aisle with tears streaming down my face.

Hopefully science will prevail and the world will recover.  No thanks to the Liar in the White House.

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