Living on the Road

with Jim and Gayle

September, 2018

September is salmon fishing on the Columbia River.  The salmon run is way down this year.

This graph shows last year and this year's salmon counts over Bonneville, the first dam on the Columbia River (left graph) and McNary, the dam before where we fish (right graph).  Pretty bad!
Fish Counts

We are having a pretty good season in spite of the low numbers.  So far, we have caught 15 salmon.  This was our first day out (before the limit was reduced to one fish per person).
First day of fishing

Even though Jim worked on the boat motors in July, he had to continually do work on them this year.  He replaced the fish/depth finder.  The big motor kept dying so he spent a lot of time figuring out why.

Before fishing, we had to do a lot of chores on the lot including replacing the fascia boards and painting all of the trim.


We bought a "new" frig for the shed to replace the mini frig we had.  We really like having the additional space.

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