
with Jim and Gayle

October, 2020

The world is a little brighter, we are less sad; less lonely – because of a funny puppy named Bo.

We're seeing if, with a little help, we can get his ears to stand up.


Discovering the fireplace (diaper is following his neuter to protect his stitches as is the collar).


I made Bo a sweater. For my first time, I was impressed with how well it turned out.
Bo sweater

Bo's not drinking enough so he's started to form crystals in his urine which can lead to major health issues.  We got him a fountain to see if that would entice him to drink more.  When I first put it down, he had great fun playing.
Bo water fountain

We finally got the side of the yard re-fenced so it is now puppy proof.

We did a lot of jobs around the house this month (yes, pictures are all of Jim, but I swear, I helped!).
Making a stand for his radial arm saw (I found the cabinet); cleaning up the bbq grill (I found the grill and did the initial cleanup).
Adding MORE shelves to the garage (I painted); building an outdoor shed (I painted).
Replacing the deadbolt striker plate (I complained that the original one didn't work); fixing the pocket door to the bedroom closet (I repainted).


CORONAVIRUS is still the dominant force in our lives.  We still miss Max, even with Bo.  We continue to self isolate as much as possible.

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