
with Jim and Gayle

May, 2023

I flew to Denver to see my Mom and my sister, Lynne.  Mom is not doing well.  Her dementia has almost completely erased the person that I knew as my Mom.  It was good to see Lynne and her husband Michael.  Lynne with her giant Maine Coon cat, Gatsby.
Lynne and Gatsby

The killdeer hatched one egg.  This is the parents playing "hurt bird" to try to distract me from the baby.

I sprouted a celery end.  Bo dug it up after I planted it so I'm not sure that it will survive, but it was interesting watching it grow in the container of water.

My garden is planted.

We tried "No Mow May".  After about three weeks, Jim mowed it.  Bo was lost in the foot high grass but the bees liked the white clover.
No Mow May

Bo didn't do well on his anit-seizure medication.  We had to take him off of it.  We are in a wait and hope mode, hoping that his seizures don't increase in frequency.
With Jim's help, I gave Bo his summer haircut.  He was cold so had to wear a sweater.

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