Living on the Road

with Jim and Gayle

May, 2018

Our back air conditioner failed in triple digit temperatures.  Of course, the parts weren't available locally so Jim had to order them.  When they got here, he climbed up on the roof and replaced the starting capacitor.  The A/C worked fine -- for a day and then, again wouldn't start.  Must be a more serious problem than just the capacitor.  Jim ordered a new motor.  This fix worked.

Jim A/C

A pair of doves nested right outside our dining room window.  It was interesting to, every day, watch them.  They never left the nest unattended or even uncovered.  When finally the baby got so big that the parents had to stand on tippy-toe to cover it, we were finally able to see the baby.  Shortly after, it left the nest, with the parents now taking careful care of it on the ground.

Jim and I had some cosmetic "work" done this month.  We are both pleased with the results, though we are still healing.

Jim before and after.
Jim before and after

Gayle before and after.
Gayle before and after

Our surgeon, Dr. Maja Ruetschi.
Dr. Maja Ruetschi

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