Living on the Road

with Jim and Gayle

February, 2009

The darkroom is finished!  It is a great room and it is being enjoyed by all.  Jim and Ron have started the "Outdoor Resort Indio Film Camera Club" and are teaching interested residents how to develop and print black and white film.

This the "Wet Side" of the darkroom.

Darkroom Wet Side

This the "Dry Side" of the darkroom.

Darkroom Dry Side

I played women's doubles pickleball in the Palm Desert International Sports Festival.  My partner and I were trounced but it was fun to be there competing and watching the really good players.   Eighteen people from our resort competed (there were about 200 pickleball players in total, the largest event of the games).

Senior Games

Three couples, Ron and Mary Ellen, Steve and Linda, and us, made a trip to Joshua Tree National Park so the men could attend a photography workshop.

Joshua Tree men

While the men took pictures with fancy cameras, the women toured with point and shoot cameras.

Joshua Women

Unfortunately, for most of the time, the weather was terrible--rain, snow and sleet.

Joshua Tree snow

My friend, Mary Ellen, threw a birthday party for me this year.  It was a nice way to celebrate another year.

Gayle BDay

The yorks being lazy.


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