Living on the
with Jim
and Gayle
crossed into the "UP" (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan. This is a
much more picturesque area than lower Michigan. We
went to Saulte St. Marie to see the Soo Locks on the American/Canadian
border that lock boats between Lake Huron and Lake Superior.
In the UP is the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. We took a
boat out to see them but after a 45 minute ride, we arrived at them
just as the fog rolled in.

We were "suckered" by slick advertising of a copper mine where you
could see "spectacular" veins of copper. If one looked hard,
there was some.

Michigan is definitely not a place we would want to spend the
winter. This sign shows how deep the snow has gotten (390.4

We moved on to Minnesota. Our first stop was Sturgeon Bay.
Both here and in most of Michigan the scenery was hidden by too many

We did a number of factory tours in Minnesota -- Jelly Belly Factory
(just a warehouse), SC Johnson Headquarters architectural tour
(building was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright), the Spam Museum, and of
course, while in Milwaukee, the Miller Brewery. Probably the best
tour we have ever taken was of the Kohler Factory (world's largest
manufacturer of plumbing ware). It was an absolutely awesome
tour. Unfortunately, no pictures were allowed so all we could
take was a picture of the design center sign (a good reminder of what a
really great tour this was).

Great Lakes (we saw three -- Superior, Michigan, and Huron) are
beautiful and vast.

From Milwaukee, we headed to central Wisconsin to Wisconsin
Dells. This is essentially a water park tourist town. We
took a boat ride on the Upper and Lower Dells of the Wisconsin
River. Pretty scenery.

went to see the "House on the Rocks" (built by the son of a guy who was
kicked out of Frank Lloyd Wright's school of architecture). Lots
of people raved about it. We didn't think it was much. The
"Infinity Room" was an interesting oddity.

cut our Wisconsin/Minnesota trip short so that we could make it to
South Dakota and Colorado in time to see our friends Paul and
Cheryl in SD and my sister in Colorado. The picture below was
taken in Paul and Cheryl's "little cabin" kitchen.