Living on
the Road
with Jim
and Gayle
May 2002
month was the Foretravel
Motorcade, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia". We started in
Virginia Beach, Jim toured the Norfolk Naval Base.

We toured Arlington National Cemetery which was a really moving
experience. We were there for the "Changing of the Guard" at the
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

We toured a LOT
Civil War battle sites. Pretty soon we were groaning "Not Another
Earthworks!" (mounds of dirt behind which the Civil War soldiers hid
while shooting at the enemy). This is the Gettysburg battlefield
(perhaps the most well known).

Jim and I took a couple of days off
from the "Civil War" and did a lot of factory tours in York County,
Pennsylvania, the self proclaimed "Snack Food Capital of the
Besides touring many snack food tours, we toured a paper mill and a
Harley Davidson plant (sorry, no pictures due to plant restrictions).
addition to battlefields, we saw the natural wonders of Luray Caverns.

and Natural
Bridge Station.

In Charlottesville, Va we toured Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home.

We ended the motorcade in Spout Springs, Va where we went to Appomattox
Courthouse (a town in Va) to visit McLean's House where General
Lee surrended to General Ulysses S. Grant, ending the Civil War.