
with Jim and Gayle

January, 2023

Jim and I are pretty much settled into a quiet routine.  Jim takes Bo on a morning walk and then three times a week Jim does a long walk by himself.  After that he watches various lectures or draws.  I exercise daily, play pickleball four days a week, do a lot of yard work, paint a few rocks, and watch TV.

My college roommate, Carol, her husband Duane, and their dog Porche visited the desert for a couple of weeks.  We saw them a couple of times and enjoyed actual human company!  We were more sociable this month than we've been in years.  In addition to Carol and Duane, we had lunch with a friend, Nancy, dinner with friends Bob and Jackie, and happy hour with Randy and Jeannie.

Duane, Carol, Jim

I enjoy working in the yard (Bo helps).  The yard has been sorely neglected.

Carol bought Bo a bully stick.

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