
with Jim and Gayle

January, 2022

January was a pretty quiet month.  I played pickleball and painted some rocks.  Jim hung out with Bo and did some drawing.  All of us are enjoying the warm and summy weather and are grateful that we aren't in Washington where the weather has been cold and dreary.

We have decided to stay an additional month, through the end of February.

It is cold here in the evenings.  Bo and I snuggle.

Bo and Gayle

We frequently take Bo to a nearby dog park.  It is very nice.  Bo goes around and smells all the "p-mail".  He mostly ignores or grumps at other dogs.
Dog Park

Bo got into my sack of tangerines.  He was fascinated by them.

We took a short drive to White Water River Wash.  Jim thought there might be some good rocks for me to paint.  There weren't, but it was a nice day for a drive.
Jim and Bo

There is a blood orange tree on our lot.  The oranges are small and hard to peel so I decided to make some orange marmalade.  It was a lot of work and in the end didn't taste very good so we threw it out.
Jim Marmalade

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