Living on the Road

with Jim and Gayle

November, 2018

We're back in Indio for the winter.

The first week or so after we arrive is a lot of work!  All the furniture and storage containers have to be uncovered and cleaned and the landscaping looked after.  We hire the carpets cleaned, and the coach and truck washed and waxed.  Although keeping things clean is an ongoing chore, we've finished the massive amount that comes with arrival.
SGM cleaining

We finally, after a year, received a City of Indio building permit to extend our wall and pergola another 8 feet.  We originally started this effort because the neighbors played their TV 24/7 and it was located in the gap between the end of our wall and our coach.  They sold their lot and the new neighbors aren't (yet) playing their TV so loudly, but we are going ahead with the project.

We've hired a contractor to do the work but, of course, there's prep work that Jim has to do.  He had to take down the lights and fans, move the furniture out of the way and take down the wall art.  The hardest task is removing a massive pillar that is in the way.  That's still a work in progress.
Jim removing pillar

Construction has started!  The three holes for the new support columns have been drilled and excavated, the City inspected them, and the posts have been set in concrete.

The Pickleball Nationals were held at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden, site of an elite tennis tournament.  This was a huge event.  I had two friends competing so I went to watch their matches.  They both won gold in their mixed doubles division.  It is the first time I've really felt a twinge at not playing tournaments any more.

We attended the resort's Thanksgiving potluck dinner.  It was a very nice event.
Jim, Gayle, Roger, Brenda, Rosalee, Lyle

Home for the winter.  Pretty nice!

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